Grants & Rebates Committee Meeting
9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
This committee meets quarterly to review applications for SSA #33's: Community Grant Program Safety and Security Rebate Programs
Clean & Green Committee Meeting
9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
The committee is tasked with improving the cleanliness/appearance of Wicker Park Bucktown’s streetscapes and other sustainability initiatives. Clean & Green oversees all of our vendor contracts for Landscaping, Litter Abatement, Graffiti Abatement, ...
Transportation Committee Meeting
9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
This committee oversees Streetscaping and Placemaking in Wicker Park Bucktown. This includes all of the SSA's street furniture, including orange branded Bike Racks, Benches, and Planters and more. WPB SSA #33's Transportation Committee is pro-public ...
SSA #33 Commission Meeting
7:00 PM - 8:30 PM
Wicker Park Bucktown Special Service Area (SSA #33) is directed by a commission of volunteer stakeholders administered by the Wicker Park Bucktown Chamber of Commerce. Commissioners must own or rent a property that is included in the SSA taxing district.
Clean & Green Committee Meeting
9:00 AM - 10:30 AM
The committee is tasked with improving the cleanliness/appearance of Wicker Park Bucktown’s streetscapes and other sustainability initiatives. Clean & Green oversees all of our vendor contracts for Landscaping, Litter Abatement, Graffiti Abatement, ...
SSA #33 Commission Meeting
7:00 PM - 8:30 PM
Wicker Park Bucktown Special Service Area (SSA #33) is directed by a commission of volunteer stakeholders administered by the Wicker Park Bucktown Chamber of Commerce. Commissioners must own or rent a property that is included in the SSA taxing district.