Andy Bellomo

Andy Bellomo's artistic expression is deeply rooted in exploring, observing, listening and learning. As a self-taught artist, Andy began her creative interest as a young teen studying the color, light, shapes, and lines of traditional stained glass in churches. After feeling a great disconnect between the spaces in these churches and her ever-evolving experience within the LGBTQ community, she moved away from studying stained glass and instead merged its use of line, pattern, and design into her own practice, using what inspired her to propel her forward into a long-lasting art career. She developed her own unique style, creating movement and rhythm through line, and evolved her artwork into a fresh flow that now extends beyond the medium of glasswork into abstract pieces and large-scale murals. She has taken her inspiration from church glassworks and transformed it into meditative, visual explosions of color that empower and guide the work, re-imagining the meaning behind the glass. Always innovating, always learning, and always hustling, Bellomo is a dynamic member of the arts and LGBTQ communities in Chicago and a strong activist and advocate for social change and human rights.

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